NFL Player Fellowship

Empowering NFL players to become tech founders. We provide the expertise, tools, and support needed to transform your vision into a venture-ready startup.

What We Offer

Product Engineering

Learn the fundamentals of product development and engineering, from ideation to execution.

Brand Development

Build a compelling brand that resonates with your target audience and stands out in the market.

MVP Creation

Develop a minimum viable product that demonstrates your solution and validates your market.

Pitch Preparation

Craft a compelling pitch deck and prepare for pre-seed investor presentations.

Current Fellow

Ayo Oyelola

Ayo Oyelola

Pittsburgh Steelers

Building Koin (, a platform connecting professional athletes with elite trainers, enabling personalized training sessions anytime, anywhere.

Next Cohort Coming Soon

Be the first to know when applications open for our next cohort of NFL players looking to build the next generation of tech companies.